Children's Dentistry
Alabaster family dentist Dr. Joseph Zanthos provides routine dental care for children, including dental examinations and cleanings, fillings and tooth extractions. Dr. Zanthos and the Premier Family Dentistry Team are committed to providing you and your child with a relaxed, pleasant dental experience.
Dr. Zanthos wants to develop a good relationship with children as early as their first tooth erupting. It is important for children to get comfortable with seeing a dentist for regular checkups. There is no age minimum that we see patients.
Preventive Dentistry for Children
With over a decade of experience in children's dentistry, Dr. Zanthos is dedicated to being a resource to support your child’s changing dental health needs as they mature.
Did you know that dental problems are one of the top reasons children miss school? Regular visits to the dentist have been proven to help reduce the risk of dental problems and promote healthy habits like proper brushing and making smart nutrition choices.

We recommend that children are seen at least twice a year for routine check-ups and dental cleanings. During these visits, Dr. Zanthos will examine your child's teeth to look for signs of tooth decay and talk with you about any concerns you may have about their oral health. Our dental hygienist will polish your child's teeth to get them squeaky clean; we may also recommend fluoride treatments or sealants for permanent teeth to help prevent dental cavities.
Your Child's First Visit to the Dentist
A positive first dental experience for your child is important to motivate them to take care of their teeth as they mature. We want your child to view going to the dentist like a fun adventure!
To prepare your child for their first visit with us, we suggest that you brush their teeth and then count them together. Talk with your child about going to see Dr. Zanthos and the nice ladies that will also brush and count their teeth. There are also some great children’s books about going to the dentist to help peak their interest and build enthusiasm.
When you arrive at our office, we will welcome your child and invite them to explore with us. Our pace is always based on your child's comfort and curiosity level. Sometimes we just go for a ride in the “spaceship” (dental chair) or, if they are engaged, we might ask them to them hold our “Mr. Thirsty” suction straw as we polish their teeth. After a great visit together, we will reward your child with a new toothbrush and congratulate them on a job well done.
Our goal is to make dental visits fun so your child looks forward to coming back to see us again. Even if your child is anxious or nervous, we can help with a plan to achieve a comfort level that works for you both.
Monitoring Developmental Dental Health
Dr. Zanthos will recommend digital dental x-rays as needed to monitor development and eruption of your child's permanent teeth and address any possible orthodontic conditions. He also uses cavity x-rays to look for signs of tooth decay between teeth. Learn more about Why do I need Dental X-rays?
Why are Baby Teeth Important?
Baby teeth, or deciduous teeth, play a vital role in your child's growth and development. Beginning with your child's first baby tooth, they will develop a full set of 20 deciduous teeth. Each tooth position is maintained by a baby tooth as the permanent teeth and jaw bone develop.

Baby teeth begin to fall out around age six as the permanent teeth erupt. By age twelve, most children have a full set of permanent teeth with the exception of third molars (wisdom teeth). For most patients, a set of four wisdom teeth generally begin to erupt in late teenage years. Some people do not have wisdom teeth at all, or do not develop all four of them.
Premature loss of baby teeth can lead to problems with proper eruption sequence and alignment of the permanent teeth. If a cavity develops in a baby tooth, Dr. Zanthos may treat the tooth with a filling or, in the case of deep decay, place medication in the nerve of the tooth and cover it with a pediatric dental crown to maintain its position.
If a baby tooth is too badly decayed and requires extraction, he may recommend a space maintainer to hold the tooth position until the permanent tooth is fully developed.
Our goal is to keep deciduous teeth intact as long as necessary to allow them to do their job. Dr. Zanthos and our Team are delighted to work together with you to monitor your child's dental health and provide preventive care to help keep their smile cavity-free.
Your Child's Comfort is our #1 Concern
Even grown-ups get a little nervous about dental treatment. We have “laughing gas” (Nitrous Oxide Sedation) for a mildly relaxing, temporary effect to keep your child comfortable during routine fillings or tooth extractions.
In some cases, if your child is very anxious about coming to the dentist or has extensive treatment needs, we may recommend a children's dental specialist, a Pediatric Dentist, to make sure they have the best dental experience possible.
Your Family Dentist in Alabaster
We want you and your child to enjoy happy, healthy smiles! We would love to be your family dentist, please Contact our Premier Family Dentistry of Alabaster Team to schedule your dental check-up and cleaning appointments.
“Wish we had chosen Premier Dentistry when we first moved to Alabaster. Best experience we've ever had at a dental office…”
— Amanda B.